this is one the a took when i was out around Sydney harbour playing around with long exposures. this was done using a tripod with F5.6 and 4 second exposure. To get that affect zoom back whilst the photo is being taken, that should give an interesting affect.
Sydney's might noodle market /
perspective /
Some times to get the right shot it involves lying on the floor. When thinking about this shot I was interested in what a photo can say and how people view it. Are the people walking away from something old or towards something new?
oil and water /
I discover an interesting video on the affects of oil on water when aspirin and food colouring is added. I decided to try it myself, these where the result. It pulled out some very intersting textures and colours with the bubbles that where created. i shot this at Iso 320 Aperture 4 and 1/10 F Stop
Solent Racing /
I usually find that when photographing sailing it take time to fins the shot that you want. When the boats line up just right. On the particular day I spent all day in the rib simply trying to be patient. This particular shot was taken at 160 ISO 1000/1 F Stop and 12 Aperture.
Bradgate Park /
I've always been interested in how black and white photos can change the dynamic of a picture. With this I found that it added much more depth to the photo. On this particular day of shooting I was using a high F-stop of 20 with a shutter speed of 400. This allowed me to get the definition for black and white photo.